
I’m Daniel Kelly, a writer.

To pay the bills, I’ve been a copywriter & comms consultant for the NHS, Hatchards Bookshop, University of Oxford, Lloyds Banking Group, Human Rights Watch, London Film School, and a fair few more. In daydreams, I make a living by writing short stories, reviewing things I read & watch & listen to, and sharing bits of it all. I’m curious, passionate, and have ADHD.

Every Sunday since August 2022, I’ve shared a culturally omniverous journal.

So far, I have over 50 readers subscribed, reading about creative things that have inspired me, what I’ve been up to, and whatever else comes to mind.

Why become a paid subscriber?

The Sunday letter will always be free for everyone.

If you have anything spare, though I’m currently saving for study — every penny & pound helps. You can pay for your subscription, buy me a coffee, PayPal me, get me a book from my wishlist, or work with me.

Once I get a handful of paid subscribers, I’ll start adding bits in. So, if you like what & how I write, perhaps spot some semblance of similar taste between us, I hope you’ll sign up.

If you …

  • enjoy short lists of creative stuff to check out, or

  • want to join me in learning more about creative journaling, writing short stories and literary criticism, and generally how to talk about and meditate on creative stuff a little more

… give it a go.

Subscribe to that & this

Ten-thing list of creative things I'd like to remember each week, what I’ve created myself, and anything else that comes to mind.


Freelance writer for NHS, the UK’s oldest bookshop, biggest bank, and first film school. Aspiring short story writer & literary critic.